The manifestation of true female empowerment and leadership

Having studied and worked in the field of personal transformation for 10 years, Clare specialises in helping entrepreneurs master their mindset, maximise their potential and manifest their dream life. Her mission is to guide clients back to believing in their innate power as a human being, by removing blocks such as the self-doubt, fear, and lack of self-belief and to eradicate resistance to change, on an emotional, mental, and somatic level.
Clare teaches her clients to access unshakable self-confidence and guides clients to use lifelong tools that empower them to live a life of more connection, fun, fulfillment, joy and heart led purpose. Clare believes that by passing on her learnings, we can experience a more fulfilled career, from the inside out by creating true alignment and a healthy mindset.
She believes purpose is not an end game, but a daily ritual that we live and make manifest through a powerful mindset, heart centered habits and a purpose led passion.
Members can contact Clare to overcome any internal resistance or blocks to creating change, that they feel may limit them from reaching their full potential. Clare assists clients to rewire the mind for success, create complete alignment to their values, and to be in balance with the Body/Mind system in terms of emotions, energy and nervous system regulation. Clare covers the full spectrum of personal/professional development by working on mental, emotional, and physical levels and truly feels that mind mastery is life mastery, and the most IMPERITIVE part of creating a successful business.